The Plymouth Colony Archive Project

Additional Illustrations of
Evolving Gravestone Styles

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The gravestone below is an example of Stone 10 from the Plympton County cemetery, as depicted in Figure 3 of the study by James Deetz and Edwin Dethlefsen entitled Death's Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow.
Plympton County gravestone depicted as Stone 10 in Figure 3 of study entitled Death's Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow    This is the position of this gravestone in the Plympton cemetery stylistic trends over time; use the link below to see a full-size version of this Figure 3
This stone is exemplary of another extent of the "Medusa" design, with more simplified facial elements and surrounding hair motif. This simplified form of the Medusa design was usually found on the gravestones of children under the age of five years. This may indicate that the designs used on children's graves represents a stylistically conservative element, reflecting more of earlier, rather than contemporary, grave art styles.
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Figure 3 of Death's Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow article

Death's Head, Cherub, Urn and Willow article

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Patricia Scott Deetz, Christopher Fennell
and J. Eric Deetz