New Philadelphia
Archaeological Research Project
Field School in Archaeology and Laboratory Techniques

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Sponsored by the National Science Foundation
Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program

Summer 2011

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Weeks 1-5, Lodging and Meals at Sprague's Kinderhook Lodge

All students are required to be in Pike County on May 23 and the instructions will begin on May 24. New Philadelphia is about 75 miles west of Springfield, Illinois, and 25 miles east of Hannibal, Missouri. There is no mass transportation to the immediate area.

The closest town to the New Philadelphia site is Barry, Illinois (population 1,400), and students will stay at Sprague's Kinderhook Lodge, located between the towns of Kinderhook and Barry on Rt. 106. We are very grateful to the Sprague family for their generous support of this project.

Lodging and meals will be provided at the Kinderhook Lodge during weeks 1-5, and students will be transported to the New Philadelphia site every day. During the weekends students with access to autos are free to travel and explore the region when fieldtrips are not scheduled.

Images of Kinderhook Lodge

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Additional Information

For additional details about this field school opportunity, please contact Chris Fennell by email at, by phone at (312) 513-2683 (cell), or check the New Philadelphia archaeology web sites for background information on this multi-year project.

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Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Last updated: November 30, 2010